You can really dive deep into the world of Feng Shui. You can also adapt the practice in a smaller scale. The five elements can easily be represented in each room/space. This ensures the required balance a room needs, for it to be experienced as a soothing and harmonious space. So, take an honest look …
Life in Style
Think about how the Fire element affects your practical experience in different spaces. According to interior specialists a “functional” room should have 7 different light sources. However….. -What kind of light do you want/need in a specific area; is each lamp actually chosen with the right function in mind? You should select wisely between general …
The Japanese word Wabi means simple, incomplete things and Sabi stands for serenity and calmness that comes with age. Wabi Sabi is therefore a wonderful guideline of life in general. Strive to be mindful, enjoy the moment! Live a balanced life according to your values. Thankfully, you have the opportunity to change your inner preferences …