Your true style evolves from within. Do you recognize yourself in these inner beauty personalities; AIR, WATER, FIRE, EARTH? Remain curious of this personality while you’re managing your wardrobe! This will ensure you to stay honest to who you are also on your outfit communication level. Here is a mainstream guideline: Inner beauty personalities: AIR …
Style Personalities
Owning a great style is not about getting the ”latest” trends, it’s all about feeling at home in your personal style; think of it as your core. The question is: which style type makes you feel great on a personal level? Use this as a guideline and create a wardrobe that really communicates you and …
When you figured out what thrives you, you can easily skip fast moving trends and stick to your core style. By finding a few brands that fit your budget and values you save time and create a “Good Karma” wardrobe in the long run. You can make great findings during sales, in outlets and secondhand …
Invest in the items you wear most of the time and this way you’ll keep the Cost Per Wear low. This gets easier when you finally understand your stylepersonality (get to know your = inner spirit + style type + fashion identity). Analyze your favorite items in your wardrobe; what do these items have in …
When it comes to putting an outfit together, I find it easier to work around one main color and make this color dictate the complete look. A monochrome outfit in black, grey and white is always stylish. However, if you have a specific color you love -try to build a complete outfit around this color. …