-Annika Wallden- I will guide You to: -Build a strong, personal reflection of Your identity. -Make your wardrobe represent Your true self. -Communicate Your visual image in a fresh way. -Feel good in Your own skin. -Express who You are ... instead of trying to impress others? EWOKE your PERSONAL STYLE WITH INNER CONFIDeNCE WHY? With a unique style you communicate who you are without saying a word. I truly believe, that when your inner spirit reflects on your outside you have created a style alignment that speaks your personal language! It's about comfort as well as confidence. HOW? In the STYLE REFLECTIONS category I share my thoughts on mindful styling and why I find it so interesting. My passion is to inspire you to become the true version of your stylish self! I offer personal & eye-opening styling sessions as well as extensive style & image consultancy. Always from a holistic point of view. https://www.perheeni.fi/pukeutumisvideot/ e-mail: hello(at)ewoke.fi WHY Ewoke ? PASSIONated this is what i love to do HONEST I have your best interest at heart SUSTAINABle I guide you in a responsible way Empowering I let your inner sprit shine Authentic I honor your individual preferences EMBrACing i approach style in a holistic way Facebook Instagram Envelope