Your true style evolves from within. Do you recognize yourself in these inner beauty personalities; AIR, WATER, FIRE, EARTH?
Remain curious of this personality while you’re managing your wardrobe! This will ensure you to stay honest to who you are also on your outfit communication level. Here is a mainstream guideline:
Inner beauty personalities:
AIR – you prefer flowy outfits & fall for light & poppy colors…
You are positive, happy, open, friendly and a natural idea-machine!
WATER – you prefer loose and comfy outfits & choose dusty & pastel hues…
You are calm, soft, emotional, steady and highly sensitive!
FIRE – you prefer creative outfits & turn to strong & muted colors…
You are active, edgy, resultdriven and even pushy!
EARTH -you prefer tailored outfits & love clear & bright colors…
You stable, reflective, critical, efficient, analytic and surprisingly still!
Following your essential nature is one of the first steps you take for your wardrobe to become your BFF!